Naveed Chohan a Journalist by profession who does reporting for various newspapers he recently joined sangam Family and staright away made his mark by his choice of songs. he plays early 80s,90s and 2000s tracks and that's why his show is called the Lovely show. Naveed is a Fantastice down to eath guy with a bubbly personality
I love food and I don't think in Manchester and Oldham there is any takeaway which I havenot been to. I love spicy food do cook in my spare time even though I don't have any spare time. like badminton, cricket and journalism is my passion. I don't believe in star signs. best childhood memory is when ever we used to go out on a family trip to Islamabad. my favourite singer is Udit, favourite film is Dhammal favourite actor is Salman Khan and Favourite actress is Priyanka. I love socialising and love my Family to bits. I love Dubai and when I visited Dubai I never wanted to come back.
Tuesday 2200 - 0100